array_add Github

The array_add function adds a given key / value pair to the array if the given key doesn't already exist in the array.

$array = array('foo' => 'bar');

$array = array_add($array, 'key', 'value');

array_divide Github

The array_divide function returns two arrays, one containing the keys, and the other containing the values of the original array.

$array = array('foo' => 'bar');

list($keys, $values) = array_divide($array);

array_dot Github

The array_dot function flattens a multi-dimensional array into a single level array that uses "dot" notation to indicate depth.

$array = array('foo' => array('bar' => 'baz'));

$array = array_dot($array);

// array('' => 'baz');

array_except Github

The array_except method removes the given key / value pairs from the array.

$array = array_except($array, array('keys', 'to', 'remove'));

array_fetch Github

The array_fetch method returns a flattened array containing the selected nested element.

$array = array(
array('developer' => array('name' => 'Taylor')),
array('developer' => array('name' => 'Dayle')),

$array = array_fetch($array, '');

// array('Taylor', 'Dayle');

array_first Github

The array_first method returns the first element of an array passing a given truth test.

$array = array(100, 200, 300);

$value = array_first($array, function($key, $value)
return $value >= 150;

A default value may also be passed as the third parameter:

$value = array_first($array, $callback, $default);

array_last Github

The array_last method returns the last element of an array passing a given truth test.

$array = array(350, 400, 500, 300, 200, 100);

$value = array_last($array, function($key, $value)
return $value > 350;

// 500

A default value may also be passed as the third parameter:

$value = array_last($array, $callback, $default);

array_flatten Github

The array_flatten method will flatten a multi-dimensional array into a single level.

$array = array('name' => 'Joe', 'languages' => array('PHP', 'Ruby'));

$array = array_flatten($array);

// array('Joe', 'PHP', 'Ruby');

array_forget Github

The array_forget method will remove a given key / value pair from a deeply nested array using "dot" notation.

$array = array('names' => array('joe' => array('programmer')));

array_forget($array, 'names.joe');

array_get Github

The array_get method will retrieve a given value from a deeply nested array using "dot" notation.

$array = array('names' => array('joe' => array('programmer')));

$value = array_get($array, 'names.joe');

Note: Want something like array_get but for objects instead? Use object_get.

array_only Github

The array_only method will return only the specified key / value pairs from the array.

$array = array('name' => 'Joe', 'age' => 27, 'votes' => 1);

$array = array_only($array, array('name', 'votes'));

array_pluck Github

The array_pluck method will pluck a list of the given key / value pairs from the array.

$array = array(array('name' => 'Taylor'), array('name' => 'Dayle'));

$array = array_pluck($array, 'name');

// array('Taylor', 'Dayle');

array_pull Github

The array_pull method will return a given key / value pair from the array, as well as remove it.

$array = array('name' => 'Taylor', 'age' => 27);

$name = array_pull($array, 'name');

array_set Github

The array_set method will set a value within a deeply nested array using "dot" notation.

$array = array('names' => array('programmer' => 'Joe'));

array_set($array, 'names.editor', 'Taylor');


The array_sort method sorts the array by the results of the given Closure.

$array = array(
array('name' => 'Jill'),
array('name' => 'Barry'),

$array = array_values(array_sort($array, function($value)
return $value['name'];

array_where Github

Filter the array using the given Closure.

$array = array(100, '200', 300, '400', 500);

$array = array_where($array, function($key, $value)
return is_string($value);

// Array ( [1] => 200 [3] => 400 )

Return the first element in the array. Useful for method chaining in PHP 5.3.x.

$first = head($this->returnsArray('foo'));

last Github

Return the last element in the array. Useful for method chaining.

$last = last($this->returnsArray('foo'));

value Github

If the given value is a Closure, return the value returned by the Closure. Otherwise, return the value.

$value = value(function() { return 'bar'; });

with Github

Return the given object. Useful for method chaining constructors in PHP 5.3.x.

$value = with(new Foo)->doWork();